Eligibility & Enrollment Services

NYX Health Promise

“Customization, expertise, informed insight, collaboration, and constant innovation are the hallmarks of how we do business. We strive to redefine outstanding customer service.”

We specialize in helping hospitals & patients.

We screen uninsured and underinsured patients for eligibility with third-party programs such as Medicaid to assist with their medical bills. We staff patient advocates at hospitals to screen at the time of service. We are also available as an off-site model, contacting patients post-discharge.

Eligibility & Enrollment

Our caring patient advocates assist your uninsured and indigent population with securing eligibility and enrollment for third-party assistance with medical bills. Reduce uncompensated care -  Learn More

screen uninsured patients
Multiple states have new laws requiring hospitals to inform patients of financial assistance before collecting medical debt.

19 states and the District of Columbia have already passed a law that requires hospitals to screen patients' eligibility for financial assistance before collecting medical debt. Contact NYX Health to learn about our on-site and off-site screening capabilities.

We seamlessly integrate with your system to provide the financial screening required.