Medical Coding

Certified Experts

Our certified medical coding and billing services ensure that every diagnosis, procedure, and treatment is accurately coded, facilitating efficient communication between healthcare providers and payers. 

  • Services for hospitals provided on or off-site
  • Unmatched 98% accuracy level
  • Productivity rate of ICD-10 up to 95%
  • Our coders are experienced, domestic, and AHIMA credentialed and compliant
  • Medical coding review for denials
  • 92% success for accounts deemed viable for appeal
  • Clinical coding validation

Medical Coding Audit

Our dedicated staff of credentialed consultants have over 25 years of experience specializing in clinical coding validation.

  • Auditing of pre-and post-billing coding ensures ongoing coding accuracy and compliance
  • Coding validation significantly impacts compliance, cash flow, and revenue generated by each individual case
  • Audit findings drive education for coders and physicians
  • All validators have ICD-10 CM & PCS training or are AHIMA ICD-10 Certified Trainers and Managers
medical coding

Minimum Empirical ROI 300%

Comprehensive Reviews Completed in 6 Weeks