Understand Medicaid Unwinding and What Hospitals Can Do to Help

Medicaid Enrollment

Medicaid unwinding is an essential yet often misunderstood process with significant consequences for hospitals and their patients. As the public health emergency (PHE) declarations come to an end, states are resuming regular Medicaid operations, leading to the disenrollment of individuals who no longer meet eligibility criteria. This process, known as Medicaid unwinding, can create challenges…

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The Impact of Financial Assistance Screening at Hospitals

Screen uninsured patients

Supporting the Uninsured in Communities   Hospitals, as pillars of community health, face a balancing act between financial sustainability and providing essential care to uninsured patients. The dual responsibilities of financial viability and community care can be difficult to manage. Utilizing a charity care program and screening all patients for eligibility to third-party programs, like…

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